We're enjoying our school-free (Mommy's summer camp) time so far, and have been on three hikes in the past week, with another one scheduled for tomorrow. Miles should be in good hiking shape for nature camp next week! We've also visited the penguins in their new digs at the Aviary, watered the plants in the kid's garden at Phipps, and had friends over for a make-over/pool party!
Today Miles built a "hobbit home" out of chair cushions and Ruby acted as delivery person, taking things to him. This worked well for a while, until his little house collapsed. The next attempt at building involved putting a child's chair on the coffee table--to serve as chimney, which I quickly had to remove, before Ruby got a chance to discover this new and exciting climbing challenge. It was a rainy day in Pittsburgh today so not a lot of time outside. They were getting a little stir crazy, but we survived without any injuries.
Sink Update: The sink toy went back to Costco. They didn't have any more in stock though so we're sink-less at the moment. I may get another one somewhere else. The kids certainly loved playing with it when it worked! And George and I loved sitting down for a while to watch them play peacefully together!
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