Miles is not usually shy, but last Saturday he was in an especially out-going mood. We went to storytime at the bookstore, and the poor girl reading the story didn't have a chance. The book was Madeline and as soon as he saw it Miles told her that he knew all the words so if she had any trouble reading, he would tell her the words. When she got to the part of the story where Madeline gets a scar, he first asked what that was, then went on to explain how he has a scar on the back of his head from when he hit the coffee table when he was a baby and the doctors "sewed his head back together with needle and thread." Finally, when the story was over, he noticed the reader was wearing a cross pendant on her necklace. He said "look, you have the symbol of Jesus on your necklace." She did not seem amused, though some of the other parents were. One dad called our son "Awesome." So there you go.
Here are some random photos from the last few weeks--Ruby and friend Gavrie at our friend's garden party, Miles and buddies on the porch, Miles with his face painted, Ruby being Ruby.
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