Where did May go? Has it really been a month since I posted? Well, we've been out enjoying the great weather, and generally keeping busy, busy, busy.
Here a few random things I've been writing, but not posting, until now:
Ruby has started adding "please," which sounds like "peas" to her requests. Much nicer than the "eyewan" (or I want). She is very talkative lately, and involves herself in most conversations. One evening I was asking Miles about the play he saw on his class field trip. It was a puppet show of Goodnight Moon and Runaway Bunny. I asked him if there were socks, clocks, mittens, kittens. Every time Ruby would say "nooo." Very cute. Then she went upstairs to her room and brought the book down for us to look at.
They have both been playing with their babies again. Miles decided to call his Andy, and that Ruby should name hers Sweetheart. They practiced carrying them around one morning in a "sack of potatoes" fashion, with feet up, head down, over one or both shoulders.
Their other favorite shared activity is playing chase around the 1st floor loop. Miles will set off and say "chase me, Ruby, chase me." She'll go after him, shrieking with joy. This will keep them busy for quite a while--long enough for me to wash the dishes or maybe even read the paper.
Ninety percent of Miles' playtime at home is devoted to Lego building, especially building of Star Wars ships. His skills must be developing--I can't remember the last time he asked me to separate two tiny blocks for him.
We also spend lots of time looking at books. Ruby will spend time with a book by herself, as I've seen other kids do. Miles, not so much, but I'm hopeful that he'll be a reader once he learns how!
We traveled to Ohio and spent Mother's Day weekend with George's family in Cincinnati. We met baby Joselyn, who has quickly learned to appreciate having lots of noise around. She slept through most of our visit, including the Rockband Rockout. Miles and Ella wore themselves out and could barely hold it together by the end of the weekend, as usual. They played lots of hide and seek at Ella's house, often in full Princess wardrobe! We also visited some animals (including the loud donkey) at a petting zoo.
We spent a gorgeous Memorial Day weekend at home. George and I went out with friends on Saturday night for weather-appropriate margaritas and Mexican food. We had some neighbors over on Sunday night for desserts and drinks on the porch. Miles and Ruby loved playing hide and seek with the big kids and generally running wild.
I managed to do some planting over the weekend, with my little helpers. When they got tired of digging and hiding my tools from me I kept them busy on the porch with frozen Go-Gurt. They also played on-and-off with the new "fun flow" play sink we got last week. This was a real hit until the pump stopped working. Then it was a fun water table, until Daddy got the flow going again. He unfortunately had to take it apart to fix it multiple times, so we're going to return it or exchange it for one that operates better.
Yeah! Ruby video and pics and stories of the kids! Miss you all! I gotta get off the evil facebook and back to the blogging. At facebook, I hear about everyone else's life intimacies, on blog I share my kids with you guys..better, I think!
cute! love miles in the princess dress!
all adorable!
cute! love miles in the princess dress! all adorable!
very cute!
love miles in the princess dress!
all adorable
love miles in the dress!
all cute and adorable!
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