Peace between siblings, in this case. Since Miles has been out of school we've been spending more time at home, the three of I've been spending a lot of time mediating the little battles between Miles and Ruby. They each know how to push the other's buttons, and often do.
This morning Miles had some questions about God and Jesus. Like, where are they? are they dead? did they live in olden times? etc. I explained that Jesus lived a long time ago, and that God is everywhere, like a spirit. He is in us, and in everything. "Even in our digestive juices," as Miles concluded. I told him that Jesus lived a long time ago to be an example to all of us about how we should live. That we should be kind to each other, even when others are mean to us. Miles accepted this, but said that sometimes "Jesus fades away" in him, and that is when he is not so nice to Ruby. Specifically, we can count on this to happen whenever one of his friends come over. For some reason, their favorite game is "attack Ruby." Luckily, she doesn't seem to care, and usually keeps her distance from them. For her, getting pushed or picked on by her brother has a silver lining. She loves the hugs she gets from him afterward (when I intervene and make him apologize) and goes back for more, which usually starts the cycle all over again! Ahh summer!
Do you have a camp or school lined up for sometime during the summer???
Oh, Yeah! He was even in camp half-days last week, which was very nice. He'll go 3 days a week in July. I also have a drop-in place that I can take both of them whenever I need some extra time.
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