Monday, April 28, 2008

Target Practice

Kids are so honest and direct about what they are attracted to. Miles has started pretending ways of "projecting his control" as George says. This means that he pretends his toys are guns or other tools that project things--fire, water, energy. I don't think he even knows what a bullet is, but he likes to pretend to "shoot the bad guys" so the police can take them to jail. Or to "throw fire" to make a blockade between himself and someone else. I find all this violence disturbing, but I suppose it's something boys (in particular) just need to express. When he was doing this yesterday we told him it wasn't nice to shoot people, and not necessary, even if they are bad guys. Instead he pretended to shoot the bad guys and turn them back into good guys. Progress, I guess. 
Ruby, on the other hand, is very attracted to her beloved big brother. She lights up when she hears his voice, and will do everything in her power to get to him, touch him, and generally bask in his limelight. He usually finds this annoying and acts like she is a horrible monster whose approach is inevitable. His anxious cries of "She's coming to get me" or "Stop her mama" only tend to spur Ruby on, with a delightful cackle. She's thrilled that he is paying attention to her!
We all went to the Pirate game yesterday, and sat with a group of families from Miles' preschool. There was a home run in the first inning, before we even got to our seats. We were watching from the bleacher section and were too close to the fireworks for Miles' comfort. The whole experience was rather noisy, but calmer when viewed from our seats in left field. There was another home run and more fireworks later. Miles enjoyed sitting with his friends and eating the snacks we packed, but he didn't really follow the game. He and George spent some time in the playground area and then, by the time Ruby was ready to nap, Miles was ready to go home. The Pirates won and it was a beautiful day to be at the ballpark.  

1 comment:

Kris said...

Hey Sis!
Cool blog!
Such an inspiration.
(since I decided to start one too!!!)
When will you find time to write again?