Thursday, February 28, 2013

Toothfully, it's been a Tiresome Week

I felt out of practice, and sadly out of shape for dealing with both kids at home yesterday with their various illnesses. Ruby had already missed school on Monday and Tuesday due to fever and Miles joined her at home yesterday after waking up at 3am with the vomit sort of sick. Thankfully, he recovered quickly, but didn't sleep much after that. The doctor couldn't find a source of Ruby's fever, so she was just on round-the-clock medicine to keep it down. She was mostly quiet and restful on Monday and Tuesday when it would start to spike, and even wanted to go to bed early. Yesterday was a different story, though. Her first loose tooth made itself evident on Tuesday night so that yesterday, combined with a mild fever, the theme was pain, pain, drama, and more pain! She reverted right back to a teething toddler that just wants to be held and soothed constantly. We spent a few hours before dinner on the couch watching TV, but most of my day was spent trying to keep her happy while also trying to do work, cook, clean, and give Miles tasks to do between video games.  We somehow survived and I'm happy to report that the tooth came out at 2:50 am and Ruby's fever was gone this morning.
Here's a picture I took when her 1st tooth came in

and here she is this morning

In the midst of the drama, Miles made some interesting comments. He admitted to me that he had been trying some strategies to "catch germs," like "eating dust" and putting his fingers in his nose. He was hoping for something like a cold, not the nasty sort of stomach sick that he ended up with. He also noted that real vomit tastes even worse than the vomit-flavored jelly beans, if you can believe that!

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