We celebrated Ruby's second birthday on Friday with cake, friends, balloons, and a few special drinks for the grown-ups. Ruby was excited to get out the Elmo party hats and she seemed to enjoy the presents too. She wasn't that interested in the cake (even though it was chocolate) but she was happy to have a Popsicle earlier in the day. She's been on quite a popsicle kick lately, and will declare just about any time of day "Popsicle time!"
Among her other 2-year-old tricks--screaming, sinking to the floor when she doesn't get her way, and bossing. She tells me to "stop it" when I sing to her, complete with her little palm out to me. Yesterday at the playground she told me to "sit on the bench" while she played on the slide with George and Miles. She can often be heard (by the neighbors I'm sure) saying "put it back!" (in reference to her comb) or "pick me up!" And "Ruby out!" is her favorite way to ask to be excused from the table, approximately one second after Miles is excused. She is quite loud, this one!
1 comment:
Two year olds are cute..until they start bossing you around! So true. Tonight Kalea was just so bossy, I finally had to just scoop her up and put her in time out.
Love the pics and the gun video!
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