Well, one lesson we learned this Easter is that Ruby likes chocolate! Also, she doesn't like to have chocolate taken away from her! I made the mistake of putting some foil-wrapped chocolates in some of our plastic eggs. Other ones had animal crackers, which Ruby loved finding too. But once she discovered the chocolate, it was a trick to sneak it away.
Miles learned that Easter brings some pretty great presents. It was almost as exciting as Christmas morning when he found his Lego Star Wars set (Thanks Oma!) and his toy Millenium Falcon with Han Solo, R2D2, and Chewbaca figures (Thanks Bridget!) He got some other cool stuff too (Thanks Erika!) but those were definitely the highlights. He played with his new Legos all day and was excited when he figured out he could combine them with his other Legos....so cool! He loves his new action figures too and told me last night that he likes his new Millenium Falcon because it doesn't break when it crashes, like his old one did. We repaired that one a few times with tape but it eventually just became too damaged. It was a plastic pie container (clamshell-style) from the grocery store (Thanks Stuart, for the pie and the container!)
Ruby is on day 7 of antibiotics for her first ear infection, and is finally getting better, sometimes, at taking her medicine. I wish it came in chocolate flavor!
We had a great visit with my parents and my niece Ronni. Miles loved playing with her and has asked when she can come back for another visit. Thanks to mom and dad for the many Easter treats and for all the dish-washing and drying! It was nice to sit and relax after dinner for a change.
Langley siltLo Pro Button naturalindigoSuburb Crochet chestnutSuburb Crochet heatheredSuburb Crochet mochaSummit blackSummit cigarSundance II blackUltimate Bind chestnutUltimate Bind sandUltimate Cuff chestnutUltimate Short blackUltra Short chestnutUltra Tall blackUltra Tall chestnutUltra Tall chocolateUpside mochaWallingfordmisty rose
Those are the cutest pictures!
Cousin Kalea loves chocolate too. She says, Um, could you get some chocolate please? Looks like you might need to start moderating comments!
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