Friday, January 30, 2009

home bodies

Yes, it's winter and I've been feeling like we live inside a snow globe lately. Partly because it's snowing so often when I look out the window, and partly because I've been inside so much of the time. 
There are a few perks to being a homebody. I've actually had time to "straighten up," vacuum up the crumbs on the rugs, and prepare meals with some forethought, from real ingredients. In fact, I haven't had a single restaurant meal, snack, or drink since last Tuesday night. That's nine days straight of having completely home-prepared food, for both Ruby and I. (Miles eats lunch at school and George has the occasional breakfast or lunch out.) I'm feeling pretty good about "the streak" although I know this is kind of lame compared to the kinds of food preparation some families do on an on-going basis. So it's a good streak for me, but I'm really looking forward to going out to dinner tonight! George and I will visit one of our favorite local places while the kids are home with the sitter. I'm also going to the gym this afternoon, which I have been missing.  
a story--While we were home yesterday, Miles was playing computer games while I made dinner. I asked him to be sure not to yell if he needed me because Ruby was sleeping. He was engrossed in his game already and didn't listen to me at all. Then I turned down the volume on the computer and he turned to me and said "That's great, mama. I'll do that." with complete conviction and a little wave of the hand. I have heard this tone before (and used it before) and it means "whatever you said, that's fine. I didn't hear a word of it but I really want to get back to what I was doing, so please leave me alone."  My, how fast they learn!

1 comment:

kea said...

I should know how it feels to get no comments, but I look here almost everyday for a new blog!