Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bug-Free, Fun-Filled Christmas

I'm happy to report that the stomach bug was gone by Christmas. George had a mild case on the 23rd and it passed Ruby by completely!
So, Christmas was wonderful! Oma and Opa spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with us. We had some added excitement when the power was out for about an hour on Christmas Eve, just after dark. We thought maybe we'd have to cook dinner by candlelight, but the power came back on in time. 
Miles slept later than usual on Christmas morning. He came in to get us out of bed around 7:30. He didn't seem to remember that it was Christmas! We had to remind him that we had put cookies and milk out for Santa (and cheese for Santa Mouse) the night before and we suggested he go check to see if Santa had come. He was bit scared that Santa might still be downstairs, so he said he wanted some adult company. So we all went downstairs, and only Oma and Opa were there, waiting for us. Ruby was still sleeping so George got her out of bed at 8:00. 
She was thrilled to find a toy tree frog in her stocking and became quite attached to it. Her Opa gave her a beautiful rocking horse, which Miles and his friends will take care of while she's grows into it. She didn't get around to opening all her presents until late afternoon. At one point she climbed over the wrapped boxes to reach some books on the bookcase. She never misses an opportunity to crawl into someone's lap with a good book. She got several new books, but seems especially interested in those featuring Big Bird or Elmo lately. 
Miles was most excited about his space shuttle toy. He played with it all day and even posed for a picture with it, voluntarily! You'll also see Ruby sitting with Oma, admiring her sparkly new jewelry.
It was a fun morning and a great day. 

1 comment:

Barbara said...

It cracked me up to read that Miles was still afraid Santa would be downstairs! I'm sure he warmed up quickly.

Well, we share the same germ pool, because Mike and I both had the stomach bug over the holidays...given as a special gift to us from Andy!

See you soon!