Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ruby Time

One of the great things about Miles' preschool schedule this year is that Ruby and I get a lot of girl time. Sure, she misses him while he's away, but it gives me a chance to focus on her instead of just making sure she survives her big brother's enthusiastic play. She loves the phone and has easy access to it on the 3rd floor. Miles was always freaked out by noisy things, but she's attracted to them, including the buttons on the phone and her baby's cry. She signs "phone" when she hears it ring and loves to pretend to talk on any phone she can get her hands on. She also signs "baby," "more" (which means "I want that!"), "cracker," "milk," and she made up a sign for "out." She gets excited when anyone gets ready to go out, and runs for her coat and shoes. 
She's still holding out on saying "dada" but she is trying to speak more words. She says "Bye Bye" sometimes (waves more readily). We think she tried to say "pig" today, and she makes sounds that simulate "here you go." She hears that one a lot!
It's a sunny Thanksgiving Day in Pittsburgh and our turkey's in the oven. Ruby's napping (I think) and George and Miles are playing a game. I'm thankful for some quiet time!


kea said...

I'm so excited to hear more about Ruby and her signing and talking.
Kalea loves the phone too.
Today was the first day she actually said phone. Usually she says, "Hello!" to mean phone.
Maybe they should phone each other, that would be a hoot!

Erika said...

She is such a doll! love the ponytail on top of her head! that just makes me smile!!