Thursday, October 23, 2008

Changing Hues

You may notice, if you look closely, that our house has some new color! The painters finished up while we were away so we came home to a new look. You'll have to come see it in person when you get the chance.
The kids and I took a walk around the block this afternoon and Ruby walked a pretty good part of it herself. It was a beautiful day. 
We also went to the grocery store and they rode side-by-side in the car cart, at Miles' request. He assured me that he would beep the horn for her. She was thrilled to be so close to him for our tour through the aisles. It's been a busy, fun week. Ruby is making lots of different sounds now, including motor sounds for her cars, a word that sounds kind of like "ball" and occasionally "mama" and "dada."

I just noticed the sibling resemblance in these photos. Other people keep telling me that Ruby is starting to look more and more like her brother. Do you see it?

1 comment:

Erika said...

with Ruby at that angle, I do see it! i don't know that I really saw it before. but I haven't seen her in a while and I"m sure she is changing quickly! love the leaf pictures. kids are going to play in the HUGE amount of leaves at my moms today so I'm sure there will be some great photo ops!!