Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Go Speed Racer?

September is here but it still feels like summer. We're enjoying some hot weather--perfect pool days, except that the pool is closed. (Check out the video below from our last day at the pool.)  Miles and I spent some time outside this afternoon baking in the sun while he practiced bike-riding and roller-blading. Thank goodness for training wheels, because he's about as coordinated as I am when it comes to these things. Any athletic ability he may have is obscured by his timidity. Like his hero Lightening McQueen he loves to talk about how fast he can go and how he "likes speed," but when it's time to put foot to pedal he's overcome with concerns. He doesn't like to ride on "soft surfaces" or go downhill. He has trouble with the cracks and bumps in the sidewalk and (surprise, surprise) going uphill. Maybe it's all a plea for extra attention, but even when he's riding with friends on a flat paved surface his actual time spent moving while seated on the bike is pretty unimpressive. The rollerblades are new (thanks Rob and Erika) and the novelty has not worn off yet. He especially enjoys putting on his elbow and knee pads and helmet. Getting suited up for the great adventure. So far he's kept a pretty slow pace, more like walking than actual blading, but he says he likes "being on wheels" and being "off the ground." He caught a little speed coming down the driveway today and seemed to like the feeling. Boys, wheels, and speed are a natural combination I suppose. So far though, I don't think we have much to worry about with our little racer.

He has no worries about the water!



marty said...

Go Miles! He looks like a natural in the pool.

Erika said...

Guess he'll have to follow his cousins and join the swim team! Yippee!