Saturday, June 28, 2008

Happy Baby Climbs Stairs

"What a happy girl!" I hear this over and over from Ruby's adoring public. Whether she's riding high in the grocery cart seat, snuggled up to mama in her carrier, or sitting low in the stroller, she's equally charmed by and charming to the friends and strangers who approach. She smiles, observes, and just seems to really enjoy life. 
What she is really finding joy in lately is sneaking off to climb the stairs. Then she really gets going when someone catches on and follows her.
Miles is serious by comparison, though he does find joy in many things. George has been working on a project in the 3rd floor bathroom, and declared it a "Miles-free zone" until the floor is replaced. Last night he asked Miles if he wanted to help with the project, and got a very enthusiastic response. "That's a wonderful plan," Miles said, since he assumed that the zone was no longer Miles-free. Well, it wasn't exactly what he hoped for, but he did get to help Daddy and was very happy about that. 
His language skills continue to impress us and others. We were playing with the futon pillows the other day and he kept calling them "pillas." When I asked him about it he said that he learned that word from his Oma. I guess he liked it!
He's also great at expressing his creativity. Yesterday he knocked the baby monitor off the counter but didn't realize it. When I asked him how it got on the floor he said that "Ruby must have woke up and was crying so hard that the monitor shook and fell."  I don't think he was making up a story to remove himself from blame (he hasn't done this yet that I know of) but when he starts we'll be in for a treat!


Erika said...

She's quite a climber!! Now you have to teach her to "bop" down the steps. Our favorite "Oma word" is "wuder" (water)! Pillas is a good one too! Missed you all at the beach. We had a great week!


Erika said...

how are miles and ruby doing?