Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Ruby has a tooth poking through her bottom gum! This is her first and we've been waiting for it. She doesn't seem too bothered by it. Is the pain supposed to be worst before they come through, or after? 
We were on our own today--no school, no sitter, and George was away all day. He'll be back tonight. I'm pretty tired. Enjoying the after-bedtime quiet. Man, that child can talk! So many questions. I wish I had the answers.


marty said...

Both Ragan and Alexandra seemed a little crankier in the evenings right before they poked out. Also, drool and snot production was increased throughout the teething phase.

Kris said...

I think Kalea's working on number 6.
Way cranky especially around eating times and putting her hands in her mouth.

Here is the answer: what do you think, Miles?