Sunday, October 11, 2009

Video fun

Talk about losing track of time! I went to the Apple store today for another lesson on imovie. It inspired me to sit down and put together a little compilation video. Check it out.

Two cuties, now and then

These were taken at my parents' house. I think the curtains are the same!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Worm Farm

Seeing how October is here, I decided it would be a good time to pull the tomato plants out of their little front yard garden plot, thus providing a nice little patch of dirt, perfect for digging and playing. I uncovered several worms while weeding in the backyard, and we decided to relocate some to the front yard, which seemed to be worm-deficient. The kids were really helpful with all the digging and worm-moving, and we had a good time getting dirty. Miles built a "worm house" from dirt, sticks, and leaves, to welcome the worms to their new home. Ruby made "sand castles" in the dirt. She quickly got over some initial squeamishness about handling the worms and yesterday when we were digging and playing she pulled one apart, making a wiggly worm pair. These, she decided, would be happy living in the sandbox.
Of course we also had to bring some critters in the house (don't ask me why) so Miles filled a stryofoam cup with dirt, worms and a roly-poly. We covered it with plastic so they wouldn't escape and punched holes in the plastic top so they could breathe. Well, wouldn't you know it--I found a roly-poly near this cup a few days later. Turns out those "air holes" were also perfect escape routes! Time for our "pets" to return to the wild!
After playing and working hard all week, we had a family "movie" night last night. It was especially rewarding for me because both kids watched and liked the videos, and they were favorites of mine as well. This doesn't happen often with a four-year-old and two-year-old. We watched "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" and "Close Shave" with Wallace and Gromit. Miles caught on to some of the Peanuts humor this time, and was talking about how poor Charlie Brown only got rocks in his treat bag. Ruby sat in rapt attention the whole time, and was mostly quiet!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Background Music

This video is from Labor Day weekend, about 4 weeks ago. Ruby now provides background noise to our daily lives, with her constant chatter. It only stops when she's watching a video or sleeping. She manages to talk and eat at the same time, though we try to discourage this! When she's not narrating her activities, she's bossing someone around, or generally making her wishes known. Tonight she told her doll to stand up, even though the poor thing is really meant to be held and cuddled. She told it, "Stand up, boy! Stand up!"
George tried to explain to her that she could talk more softly, but she insists that "Ruby is loud." I wonder if this will be a life-long trait?