- Miles heard we were listening to "All Things Considered" on the radio and objected to the scope of the show. He thought that was just too much to consider at once. He "prefers" (one of his new words) to think about one thing at a time.
- Ruby now says "space" when she sees space-related toys or pictures, or Wall-E. She also says "hug" and gives the best running, smiling hug when she sees me after I've been away.
- She gets going with the babbles sometimes, in the car especially. Miles will act as interpreter and ask me why Ruby said something, like "Why does Ruby want to buy rain?"
Friday, March 27, 2009
short stories
Just want to jot down some funny stuff before I forget it--
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Sun, Sand, and Seniors
The kids loved playing in the sand and the pool near the condo. By the end of the week Ruby was very comfortable climbing into the pool by herself, which is not such a good thing. We're going to have to be very careful with her and water! Miles was happy to split his days between the beach and the pool, and even ventured into the ocean by the end of the week. He got a little frustrated with Ruby (as usual) when she followed him around the beach, smashed his sand castles, and climbed into the holes he dug in the sand.
Keeping Ruby occupied outside the condo was key since she took every chance she got to remove things from Grandpa's cabinets, drawers, and shelves. He says she helped him find some things he had lost track of, but that's definitely a positive spin.
It wasn't exactly a relaxing vacation for George and I, but the weather was gorgeous every single day and we relaxed every single evening with a drink or two, or more. Grandpa's hospitality was wonderful. He took me to a farmer's market and we enjoyed local oranges and strawberries, as well as lots of other goodies. George cooked local grouper one night, and we went out to dinner one night--our annual visit to JB's Fish Camp. Miles ate a full half pound of steamed shrimp, and likely would have eaten more. Ruby was a ball of energy, though and hardly ate anything, refused her high chair and wandered the deck where we sat, flirting with everyone she met. She is definitely not at a good age for lingering over a meal!
The travel was made bearable with DVDs, though Miles got bored with his choices--I should have brought about twice as many. I passed the time (when not serving as hostess) by reading the last book in the Twilight series, a great page-turner.
It was a great week, a nice break from work and routines, but I was certainly glad to enjoy some "me time" back at home. If only we could take the baby-sitter along....
Calgon, Take Me Away!
Well, we've been back from vacation a week now (photos coming soon) and we're all healthy again, as of right now anyway. It was a pretty uneventful week but a few episodes yesterday made me feel like the mom in those old Calgon commercials. Miles peed on the floor (just in front of the toliet) in the morning, spilled his orange juice at breakfast, and broke a mirror after school. Ruby was surprisingly un-messy all day, but she played her trump card after bath when she threw up all over me and her pjs at bedtime. Uggh. I cleaned her up, calmed her down, and got her to bed. Minutes later she was crying and throwing up in bed and then all over George. Uggh again. We were wary and waiting for another eruption, but we've all been fine. Ruby didn't sleep well last night, so I didn't either, but she was up early and seemed to have her appetite and cheerful mood back today. I took a nap this afternoon, which helped, but I could really use a nice relaxing Calgon bath!
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