Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bug-Free, Fun-Filled Christmas

I'm happy to report that the stomach bug was gone by Christmas. George had a mild case on the 23rd and it passed Ruby by completely!
So, Christmas was wonderful! Oma and Opa spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with us. We had some added excitement when the power was out for about an hour on Christmas Eve, just after dark. We thought maybe we'd have to cook dinner by candlelight, but the power came back on in time. 
Miles slept later than usual on Christmas morning. He came in to get us out of bed around 7:30. He didn't seem to remember that it was Christmas! We had to remind him that we had put cookies and milk out for Santa (and cheese for Santa Mouse) the night before and we suggested he go check to see if Santa had come. He was bit scared that Santa might still be downstairs, so he said he wanted some adult company. So we all went downstairs, and only Oma and Opa were there, waiting for us. Ruby was still sleeping so George got her out of bed at 8:00. 
She was thrilled to find a toy tree frog in her stocking and became quite attached to it. Her Opa gave her a beautiful rocking horse, which Miles and his friends will take care of while she's grows into it. She didn't get around to opening all her presents until late afternoon. At one point she climbed over the wrapped boxes to reach some books on the bookcase. She never misses an opportunity to crawl into someone's lap with a good book. She got several new books, but seems especially interested in those featuring Big Bird or Elmo lately. 
Miles was most excited about his space shuttle toy. He played with it all day and even posed for a picture with it, voluntarily! You'll also see Ruby sitting with Oma, admiring her sparkly new jewelry.
It was a fun morning and a great day. 

Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter is Here

Jack Frost is definitely back from vacation. It was 7 degrees outside on Monday morning. 
Miles woke up crying Sunday night from a bad dream. While George went to calm him I worried that he was dreaming of autobots fighting decepticons. He watched way too many hours of Transformers on his video machine in the car on our trip the weekend! But the dream was about a birthday party, of all things. He said he dreamed that all his friends left his birthday party before they had a chance to eat cake or open presents and that they didn't say good-bye. Is this one of those classic dreams, like being naked in public or not knowing which class you have next in high school? It was completely out of the blue--strange!
I'm getting back to this entry that I started earlier. It's now Tuesday night, and we're in the midst (those hopefully on the tail end) of a stomach flu. George and I went out to dinner last night with friends and I started feeling sick around 9:00. I threw up around 11, and then a few more times overnight. We thought it was food-related, until Miles threw up this afternoon, twice, and took a nap! This is highly unusual and a sure sign that he wasn't feeling well. He has only ever once been sick this way before, when he was around Ruby's age. He seems to have his appetite and energy back already though, and I started feeling better this morning. So it's quick, but whew--not fun! 
The kids have runny noses again, after a nice respite from all that blowing and wiping. I was just thinking how healthy we've all been for the past few weeks. Here we go again!
By the way, we had a great visit with George's family in Ohio over the weekend. Miles loved playing with his cousin Ella. Ruby loved all the toys, and attention! We brought home some fun new toys too. 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jack Frost's Vacation

We enjoyed being outside today with no one nipping at our noses! There was snow covering the ground this morning, but it was sunny and warm enough that Ruby didn't mind when her mittens fell off and she was playing in the snow with bare hands. It was kind of a strange day. We played in the snow and walked to the playground this morning, collecting ice along the way in a sand bucket, and this afternoon Ruby and I raked the leaves in the backyard. I hadn't gotten around to this chore due to our busy fall, cold weather, and intermittent snow. The leaves were wet and heavy but I was so happy to be outside and not freezing that I didn't mind. 
Most of the photos are of Ruby. Miles just doesn't stand still long enough for pictures! 
We went to our friends' annual cookie party yesterday, where everyone brings, bakes, or decorates cookies to share. Miles loved the decorating, and eating his creations. He and George did some more cookie baking today, along with a few other household projects. The forecast says one more day of warmer weather before Jack Frost returns. 

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Tree! Santa! Snow! Oh My!

Well, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here. We've had snow on the ground again and today is sunny and bright. Ruby met Santa at the mom's club party on Monday. I added the photo of her with Santa last year too. What a difference a year makes! 
 We got a tree on Tuesday night, put it on the red dresser in the living room window, and decorated it on Wednesday. She likes to reach up to try to tug on the ornaments on the lower branches. We did lose a few decorations--one Christmas tree ball that Ruby got a hold of while I wasn't paying attention, and the donkey to the nativity scene. I thought they wouldn't break but quickly learned otherwise! 
Miles looked out yesterday and said it looked like a "frosty village." He's excited for Christmas and for the holiday party at school next week. They've been practicing their songs to surprise us with. 
At home we've been playing Cinderella and Prince (George is the Royal Messenger). He came in this morning and woke me (Sleeping Beauty) with a kiss. He also loves the Wall-E book I got from the library. He takes it to bed with him and we find him later with the book open on his pillow and Miles curled up just below it. 

Monday, December 1, 2008

Do we Dare to Decorate?

I'm waiting until this weekend to get out the Christmas decorations, and wondering how we'll handle it with our little climber/grabber running around. Ruby is definitely learning how to extend her reach! Miles often drags a dining room chair into the kitchen to stand at the island and help cook or watch while we cook. The big chairs are too heavy for Ruby but she can move the little ones and has learned how to use them as step-stools. She can also climb up onto the big chairs to reach just about anything on the dining room table. So our "Ruby-free" zone has been diminished! The mantel will be safe for some decorations, and I may get out the durable nativity, even though she'll probably scatter the pieces, and draw on them if she gets a chance. I'm going to have to limit her coloring to the highchair since she's developed the habit of roaming with a (washable) marker in hand and scribbling on random objects. She hasn't touched the walls (yet) but she has decorated a refrigerator magnet, her highchair, the floor, and scraps of paper she finds lying around. 
The tree is another concern. We're thinking a table top version may be best. Any suggestions?