Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving weekend is finally over. As you can see, we had a big bird (20lbs!) for our feast and only four mouths to feed. We enjoyed the turkey sandwiches though and I put 2 bags of turkey in the freezer, and at least a quart or 2 of broth. The weekend was relaxing but also a bit nerve-wracking at times. We spent a lot of time at home over the last four days, and Miles seemed to be talking nearly the whole time! We did get out for some fun distractions. On Friday morning, while George was at work, I took the kids to the mall. We didn't get there until about 11 and it wasn't much busier than usual, although we did have to wait in line at the bathroom. Miles and Ruby both enjoy the play area right now and some friends came to meet us there. George and Miles did some more shopping Friday afternoon. They also went swimming at CMU on Saturday and I took the kids to the Science Center this morning with friends Barbara and Andy.  It was a nice break but I'm glad that school starts again tomorrow, and that the babysitter will be coming back at regular intervals. We all miss her!
In all of Miles' chatting, he has picked up some new expressions. One of his favorites is "Check this out." He's also using "you're kidding" and "I tell you, Daddy..." We've been talking a lot about Christmas and Santa lately too. He wrote a note to Santa to tell him his wish for Christmas morning. We took it to the special mailbox at Macy's today, since he's not sure he wants to greet Santa in person. 
He has worked out some new techniques too, like his "Room-meter" which lets him look out the window to see if it's a good night for a star walk, or if movie night would be a better choice. He definitely keeps us guessing with his imaginative musings and attempts to figure out the world. 

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ruby Time

One of the great things about Miles' preschool schedule this year is that Ruby and I get a lot of girl time. Sure, she misses him while he's away, but it gives me a chance to focus on her instead of just making sure she survives her big brother's enthusiastic play. She loves the phone and has easy access to it on the 3rd floor. Miles was always freaked out by noisy things, but she's attracted to them, including the buttons on the phone and her baby's cry. She signs "phone" when she hears it ring and loves to pretend to talk on any phone she can get her hands on. She also signs "baby," "more" (which means "I want that!"), "cracker," "milk," and she made up a sign for "out." She gets excited when anyone gets ready to go out, and runs for her coat and shoes. 
She's still holding out on saying "dada" but she is trying to speak more words. She says "Bye Bye" sometimes (waves more readily). We think she tried to say "pig" today, and she makes sounds that simulate "here you go." She hears that one a lot!
It's a sunny Thanksgiving Day in Pittsburgh and our turkey's in the oven. Ruby's napping (I think) and George and Miles are playing a game. I'm thankful for some quiet time!

Birthday, parts 1 through 4

We celebrated Miles' 4th birthday so many times he should be at least 8 by now! Birthday no.1 was with my family at the cabin. Aunt Erika made him an awesome race track cake with a real Lightning McQueen on top! We took a day off after that weekend so George could attend a meeting in Arlington. Oma and Opa came along and we visited the Air and Space Museum near Dulles on Monday afternoon. Miles loved the space wing, which has a space shuttle and he readily recognized the Mars rover. The following Wednesday was his actual birthday, which he celebrated at school, then with friends at home, and finally with a special dessert after dinner and lots of great presents. 
Four of our closest friends came for his cooking party. The decorated chef hats and aprons and made loaf-pan lasagnas to take home. Then we decorated cupcakes and opened presents. There was also a spontaneous drawing craft and lots of playing with his new stuff. We're still working on the thank-you notes. I can tell you that Miles is so thankful for all his great friends and family and really couldn't have wished for a better birthday, times four!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

PJ Weekend

We had an uneventful weekend, mostly at home. On non-school days when we don't have morning plans, Miles has gotten into the habit of keeping his PJs on as long as possible--until I can coax him into getting dressed to go somewhere. And since he's been getting up so early, we've gotten into the habit of letting him start his day with  TV. He's been waking up between 5:30 and 6:00 (I think--I try not to notice the time--I just give him a snack and get him set with a video or PBS and get back to bed until Ruby wakes up.) Ruby looks for him as soon as she's up. And she's learned that lately she needs to climb up to the 3rd floor to find him. I got these pics this morning of her on the way, and sitting with him (for a few seconds) to watch the screen. She's not into TV yet....but will try to sit near him when he's still.  
I don't know that he's learned much from his hours of "educational programming" but he has started using phrases like "educational programming" (or some approximation of it) and "WQED Pittsburgh" and he knows all about "PBSkids dot org."
It's not ideal, but it's working for us at the moment. Hopefully he'll get back to waking at a more reasonable time. I'm pretty sure he won't tire of his new TV routine though! 

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Spidey and Friends

Miles, as a somewhat timid Spiderman, took to the street last night in search of candy. We played with silly string "webbing" at home, but didn't shoot it at any neighbors. Ruby and I handed out candy from the front porch, greeting neighbors as they passed by, and then went to a few houses ourselves. Then we all met up, and met friends, including another Spiderman, for a short visit to a party in the next block. The weather was perfect and we all had a fun night.